Margo Dunlap

Design strategist and researcher based in Vermont.

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    I've conducted generative research and evaluative testing within financial services, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods and technology, veterinary health, database services, and transportation. The bulk of that work was at a consultancy where all of my projects were under NDA, but I'm happy to share a few project stories privately. Please .


    • user interviews
    • surveys & questionnaires
    • field studies/visits
    • observation & follow-alongs
    • usability testing
    • concept testing
    • sacrificial concepts
    • card sorts
    • diary studies
    • competitor analysis

    I taught generative design research methods to new practitioners at Continuum from 2018-2021 and have been a guest lecturer on the subject at RISD. I've found creative ways to test abstract products (e.g. insurance) with velcro and massive-scale experiences (e.g. airports) with VR.