For the past five years I have been a design strategist at a consultancy in Boston where all of my projects are under NDA, so what you see on this website is a limited view of the work I do.
I received my MFA in 2016 from Art Center College of Design’s Media Design Practices program. Before graduate school I worked on green infrastructure (green roofs, street-level rain capture), studied human geography at Dartmouth, and spent 18 years in rural Vermont.
This site was lovingly hand-coded by me, and is set in Adelle and Adelle Sans. You can email me at , follow me on
twitter or
instagram, or download my resume.
"Truth can be hard to divine, but emoji can guide you on your path. Powered by celestial Dust and earthly React, the Emoji Compass app will answer any question you can pose it. Simply set its three compass needles to the emoji that best express your query, and watch in awe (or impatience, possibly) as the compass provides you with your answer."
The Emoji Compass is an app that offers a working version of the golden compass from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, except the symbols on the edge of the compass are emoji. It is a Bad Idea Factory project, and is available in an app store near you.
The MVP we were aiming for was a simple flow from a home screen where the user poses their question (by selecting three emoji symbols from the compass) into an answering screen where they could ponder the meaning of the emoji they received in return. For me, a key UX question was the arrangement and interaction design of this second screen.
This solution minimized the explanatory text, both in terms of screen real estate and visually, allowing it to fade into the background when users become familiar with the app. It also allows for exploring the meaning of symbols in both question and answer.